saint benedict's table

Considering the Lilies with Beth Downey and Zoe Matties

saint benedict's table

You'll hear about white pines and cemeteries in the forest, about mudlarks and bird watching…

Zoe Matties, Beth Downey-Sawatzky, and Rob Kwade have a sprawling discussion spurred by the piece Being the Earth Creature by Sylvia Keesmat  about our lives, God, and how we’re all entangled with the world in which we live. This podcast is a lead-up to the conference put on by A Rocha Canada at Saint Margaret's Anglican Church, Winnipeg, called Consider the Lilies. 

We do hope you enjoy, and if you are listening to this before June 14, 2024 you can sign up for the conference by following this link to register:

Being the Earth Creature: