saint benedict's table

An Introduction to Lent during pandemic times

saint benedict's table

An updated re-release of a podcast introducing the season of Lent, offered with a realistic eye as to how this season might be quite different in a time of world pandemic. 

For centuries the Christian church has organized the year into liturgical seasons. In so doing, it makes sacred the ordinary time of a twelve-month calendar.  By sanctifying our hours and days in this way the  church traces the mystery of salvation and the course of salvation history. 

Lent is the forty-day liturgical season stretching from Ash Wednesday through to Easter Eve. In this episode  Jamie Howison introduces us to what lies ahead.

Please consider joining us online, as we find varied to explore the rich meanings of this season. Information on how you can do that are posted on a designated "Winter Feasts and Fasts" page on our website.

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This podcast is created at saint benedict’s table, a congregation of the Anglican Church of Canada in Winnipeg, where we’ve been making great audio since 2006. Listen to other recent episodes on our website and see our entire catalogue of well over 500 shows on our hosting page.

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To provide rich and stimulating audio resources to the wider church and engage topics and issues relevant to the concerns and questions of the larger culture in which we live.